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Privacy Policy

Information that is entered or provided while visiting this site may be collected and stored for the sole purpose of research and analytics. Contacting us through our site forms will require the storage of some personal data. Data such as an individual's name, e-mail, computer and connection information may be stored for internal use only. Software tools may be used to showcase webpages' session information and load times. 


Data that is collected is utilized for the following reasons:​

To measure and monitor website analytics for marketing and research

To better understand the user's experience 

To recognize necessary updates to the website


This site is hosted on which allows the platform to reach this community. Data collected through this platform may be collected in their database which is stored behind firewall on secure servers. adheres to standards set by PCI-DSS. â€‹


This privacy policy may be modified at any time; review this page for updates. Site visitors will be notified of any updates to the website's privacy policy to maintain transparency. 

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