When Are My Vehicle Taxes Due?
Kentucky residents have the option to license their vehicle with a standard KY license plate or to personalize it with a variety of specialty plates. Due dates to renew your tags vary between the type of plate and/as the type of vehicle you own. Personalized plates are available on both standard and specialty plates.
The personalized plate cannot conflict with the State number/letter system nor be offensive. The customer has the option of ordering a "new"plate each year or renewing with a decal only. MVL has eliminated the use of the letters “I”, “O”, “Q”, and “U” from all personalized plate applications.
The fee to apply for/renew a personalized plate application is $43.00. In addition, the fee to renew your vehicle registration will be $21.00-$56.00, depending on your plate.
Standard and Personalized Plates
For all standard ("In God We Trust" or "Unbridled Spirit") KY plates, the due date to renew the tags is the customer's birth month.
If the customer chooses to personalize their standard KY plate, the due date to renew tags is the customer's birth month.
The maximum characters permitted on a standard issue personalized plate is six (6). One space or one dash may be requested in addition to the six characters. The number of characters permitted on a personalized special plate varies.
Specialty Plates
Most specialty plate tags must be renewed during the customer's birth month.
However, the following specialty plates are due in the month of December:
Eastern Kentucky University
Emergency Management
Fraternal Order of Police
University of Kentucky
University of Louisville
Western Kentucky University
The Commonwealth of Kentucky has over 60 specialty plates for a customer to choose from, if they wish not to purchase the standard "Unbridled Spirit" or "In God We Trust" plates. For a complete list of plates including pictures and fees, visit the Transportation Cabinet's specialty plate list.
Plates and registration could be anywhere between $21.00-$56.00 depending on your plate.
It may take up to 30 days for the plate to be received at the County Clerk's office. Additional fees will be collected at the time the personalized plate is issued to the customer.
Motorcycle Plates
The maximum number of characters permitted on a personalized motorcycle plate is six. If all six characters are used, an additional space or dash is not permitted. The number of characters permitted on a personalized or special motorcycle plate varies.
The due date for all standard, personalized, and specialty motorcycle plates is the customer's birth month.